Profuz Digital is delighted to introduce to the market the first of its kind Business Processes and Information Management System, called Profuz LAPIS. LAPIS stands out as a solution that adapts to the needs and growth of an organization seamlessly, intelligently and affordably. The technology behind the product is a result of many years of practice, research, and ideation.

What is remarkable about LAPIS is that it provides high-end capabilities at a fraction of the cost other enterprise level products do, with more agility and style.

LAPIS answers those needs in a refreshing way. The name is an abbreviation for Limitless Advanced Powerful and Intelligent System.
LAPIS is a system with Limitless possibilities and capabilities, because it is an open system that can connect to any other system.
It is Advanced, because it uses the most modern software technologies for development of enterprise level system for web access and deployment on site or in the cloud.
LAPIS is Powerful, because it solves multiple IM problems, such as: searching in parallel across different information sources, specialized systems, websites, feeds, etc.; large files transfers; storage management problems; shared and related data problems; etc.
It is Intelligent, because at its core lies an innovative way for user-definable automation of processes and data collection, manipulation, modification, presentation and storage.
LAPIS is a Single system that allows accessing the myriad of systems connected to it through a consistent user-friendly interface.
To discover all of the amazing features LAPIS offers, request a demo now!